By ZOOM, Marine Mammal Foundation,  Director and Head of Research
Mar 26, 2024
Dr Kate Robb
By ZOOM, Marine Mammal Foundation, Director and Head of Research
'Dr Kate Robb is the Founding Director and Head of Research at the Marine Mammal Foundation. With over 17 years experience researching dolphins across southern Australia, Kate achieved a Bachelor of Science (Hons) with a double major in Freshwater and Marine Ecology and Zoology and a Doctor of Philosophy (Genetics). Her research led to the formal description and naming of a new Australian species of dolphin, the Burrunan dolphin, Tursiops australis.

Kate is the former President of the Australian Marine Sciences Associations – Victorian branch, a Naturalist for expeditions to Antarctica, and an Honorary Fellow at Deakin, Curtin & Monash University.

Kate has been involved with major media coverage from international agencies such as BBCs History Channel, National Geographic, BBC The World, NBC USA; Australian agencies such as The Age, The Australian, Herald-Sun, major TV news networks; children’s shows such as Totally Wild and SCOPE.

A highlight of Kate’s career was personally meeting Sir David Attenborough in 2013'.

M.C. Ian Bentley

Photo Credit: Marine Mammal Foundation